Founded in 2000, Anemone Graphics has a strong pedigree.
Anemone's owner and "designer-in-chief" brings an extensive corporate history of on-site and back office support
for consulting engagement teams and other business professionals across the united states.
Our industry experience includes (please note that due to corporate changes such as mergers/acquisitions, some
of the following logos may not be current):

Utilities, Manufacturing and Chemicals:
PECO Energy, James River Corporation (now part of Georgia Pacific), Rohm and Haas

- Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals:
Pfizer, Philips Medical Systems NA, Sentara Healthcare

- Financial, Technology and Professional Services:
Merrill Lynch Online, Lucent, ARAMARK

- Publishing:
The New York Times, The Boston Globe

- Government and Education:
Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Army, Harvard University Medical School